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Trying to transfer File from Azure to one of the local servers via MFT IS

Ramkumar Ramasubbu 2

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We are setting up a transfer from Azure Blob Storage to one of the local Servers in our enterprise via MFT IS.

We have setup a Transfer Definition in MFT CC. Using FTP client tried to conenct to MFT IS server & i cansee the files in Virtual Alias Azure_Test.

Now we are trying to write a DNI script to move the file to one of the servers. While executing this we get the below error. Atatching the screenshots of Transfer definition & DNI script.


dni script received Term signal: Will Terminate at next interval

dni script terminating with RC=0

LocalDirectory, RemoteDirectory and FTPHost parameters not defined: Program terminating

DNICommand parameter not defined: Program terminating

We also tried to run the command directly and got below error

Command:/mftps/cfrecv ip:XXXXXX.COM port:46422 lf:"/home/ReceiveLocation/" rf:"/Azure_Test/azureloc/ACR2034.dat" uid:xxxxxx pwd:xxx ems:abc@testemail.com eml:abc@testemail.com sm:y



LocalTransactionNumber is IC03000397

Remote Side Closed The Connection


Please help if i am missing anything here.

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