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Businessworks 5 supports snowflake jdbc driver

diogo diogo

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I'm trying to configure a a JDBC connection in BW5.14 with Snowflake

I have downloaded the Snowflake JDBC driver.

The configuration i have is the following:

JDBC Driver:com.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeDriver

Database URL:jdbc:snowflake://dxxx.eu-west-1.snowflakecomputing.com/role=ROLE;db=TEST_DB;schema=TEST;warehouse=TEST

I tested the connection in Squirrell and its working fine.

When i test in Designer i get aBW-JDBC-100034 "Configuration Test Failed. Exception [java.lang.NullPointerException] occurred.

My main guess is that this JDBC driver is not supported... :(

Can anyone confirm

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