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Does the Scribe Agent interact with the GP Web Services when connecting to the SQL Databases

Cathryn Crane

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Hi Everyone

We have been having timeout issues with Scribe connecting to our Great Plains server lately. It will start timing out when a Microsoft update happens, for example.


This just started about 3 months ago and the only way to resolve it, is to reboot the GP Server.

We have Great Plans 2015, the Scribe Agent is on a new VM. I can't figure out why this all started all of a sudden. We installed eConnect in GP around this same time that this all started.


I'm wondering if anyone knows if the Scribe Agent, when connecting to the SQL Database for connect, uses the Great Plains web services to do so. If so, that could possibly be our problem



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Hi Cathryn,

The GP connector uses both the SQL as the webservices connection to create the connection.

When the solution/app is initialized both of the connection parts are trying to get connected.

If the webservice is unavailable at that time it will fail the connection setup.



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