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BW 5 Invoke REST API empty response

gopal -

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hi all,


I am using invoke REST API activity in TIBCO BW 5.11 , to call POST method on a REST api

However, it always returns empty response in RESTOutput/msg element.


Same API returns proper response when tried thrpugh POSTMAN, and also as confirmed by the team, it also sends proper response to TIBCO request

Why is BW pallete getting empty response Any idea


I have attached request and response of the TIBCO BW activity for reference.





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I dont think its an issue with BW pallete.




I created a mock REST API service and invoke REST API is able to get the response from this mock service in the output msg element.




However, with the actual REST endpoint, its blank.


The mock service is running on same machine as the BW code, and the REST api is hosted in IIS in a different machine, though the connectivity is open.


Is IIS or any proxy/firewall blocking the response message




It is strange, because I am not receving any error.


I am receiving 200 success code with blank response







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