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Deploying TIBCO.EMS.DLL on Windows Server 2016

Ja Ca

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I have a C# application that I'm trying to deploy an TIBCO EMS solution to a Windows Server.

Evrythig works fine on my developemnt Win10 machine (x64) but I installed the CE version locally so maybe that included more dependencies locally than just the TIBCO.EMS.DLL.

I'm getting: "could not load file or assembly 'TIBCO.EMS, Version=' or one of its dependencies

I've copied the TIBCO.EMS.DLL to the executable directory but arethere any other dependencies that need to be included on the Windows Server executable disrectory

Is there some sort of redistributable for the TIBCO.EMS.DLL What am I missing.

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  • 4 months later...

I have the same problem. I develop on my Window 10 machine (x64) and when i deploy it on a Windows Server 2016 I encounter the same error.


I copied all the libraries TIBCO.EMS.* and I still get the error. I even installed the TIBCO CE on the Windows Server 2016 and I still get the same error. 


Does someone has a workaround for this issue What am I missing Please help.

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Hi, Did you read through the Intallation Guide and Release notes for EMS 8.6

The EMS .NET client library files TIBCO.EMS.dll, TIBCO.EMS.ADMIN.dll and TIBCO.EMS.UFO.dll are now built to the .NET Standard 2.0 specification.

During installation, several DLL les are installed in the global assembly cache: TIBCO.EMS.DLL TIBCO.EMS.ADMIN.DLL TIBCO.EMS.UFO.DLL

Ensure you installed with admin privleges, and the DLL are indeed in the GAC.

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We are using the TIBCO.EMS library in a web site hosted under IIS. Our app pool runs under a GMSA account and has the "Enable 32 bit applications" flag set to true. If Iset this to "False" the website works and the assembly is loaded correctly.

Where can I download the 32 bits version of the TIBCO.EMS library

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