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Sending data from one solution to another with an endpoint.

Leander Pierik

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I am trying to send data from one database to another. But because they live in different environments I need to do it via a scribe endpoint. The situation now is:


- One agent with acces to a database in environment A

- Solution 1 (intergration), who query's the database on environment A, the result from this query needs to be send to the endpoint in Solution 2

- Solution 2 (integration event), with an "wait for request" block that has an endpoint. It's configured to recieve just a boolean. This boolean needs to be set in the database on environment B.

My question now is: how do i specificy in solution 1 the endpoint in solution 2 I have tried with an REST web service connector but i can't seem to fill out the connector properly. If someone can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated.

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I would suggest using the HTTP and Mapper Connector extensions.

With the Mapper connector you are specifiying your request JSON example, which is just 1 single boolean field and then you would use the HTTP to send the request (POST) build with the Mapper connector to Endpoint B




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