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STALE data issue

Igor Cherkashyn 3

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  • 4 weeks later...

This sounds like you're caching to Teradata. In this situation it's critical to ensure uninterrupted connectivity to your cache target during a refresh. A failed refresh will result in the cache getting into a STALE state as there's old data.

Here are a few simple options to consider:


Consider configuring a connection validation query on your cache data source to allow TDV to confirm that the connection in the pool is still valid prior to attempting the cache refresh

Look into setting up a notification event when a cache refesh operation fails to allow your team to cache the stale data faster. Options include SNMP trap notifications, custom even driven notifications of the alerts available in the Center of Excellence (CoE) assets available from Tibco PSG

If you don't want users to see stale data ever, you can change the Cache Clears property to clear the cache when a refresh fails. This will take the cache down when a refresh fails.

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