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Exporting a BW project with custom palette: "Plugin extension not avaialble for resource"

Jean-Baptiste Lievremont

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Hi all,

I am working on BW plugins to add UDP connectivity to BusinessWorks 6.x ; I currently have a plugin that defines a shared resource for UDP connections and one that defines activities to open/close a connection and write UDP datagrams, both with bundles formodel, design and runtime.

I managed to install those plugins on a BW 6.3.2 Studio and Runtime, but I get the following error message when I try to export a simple testapplication as EAR:



Plugin Extension not avaialble for resource with file extension [udpResource]

----Note that the udpResource file type is correctly recognized by the target Eclipse runtime since it displays the associated custom icon, and allows me to select the associated shared resource in the activities of the test process.

What could be missing Thanks, kind regards.

-- J.B

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