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We want to switch Tibco BW Admin Service to a new Server

Sunny Bhatnagar

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We have planned to move Tibco BW Admin Service to a new Server.

Do we have any guidelines to move admin Sevice directly to new server

As of now we have added the new server in the existing domain as Secondary server.

But now the goal is to make the seconadry server as primary server and then delete the old Primary Server,

Please let us know if Any document can be referred for this

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I think it should have been done this way :

. Copy the 'tibco' folder from the existing machine to the new machine

. Use the 'move machine ' tool to update the configuration (see in TRA documentation for details)


In the configuration you now are you have two options :

. Use the approach above

. Keep only the Secondary server. This would work day to day but you may face issues next time you will do changes in the domain configuration.


So overall it would be better to remove the 'Secondary Server' (you can do it from Administrator) and use the 'Move Machine' approach

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