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TIBreview: a quality code review tool for TIBCO BusinessWorks 6

Teiva Hrsn

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Hello guys,

This post is not really a question but rather an information. I just released the first version of a tool I developed called TIBreview for automating the quality code review of a TIBCO BW6 project.

In a nutshell this tool is capable to analyze processes and resources by combining XPath & Java rules. At the end, the tool produces a report in a CSV or a PMD format (integrable in Jenkins or Sonar).

If it may help you in your day-to-day job that would be great.In parallel, if you want to participate to the project, that would be great as well ;)

More information here:https://github.com/teivah/TIBreview/

See you!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello, on my windows 10 laptop, I donwloaded the TIBreview-master.zip file. After that, i unzip it. From command prompt, i run the following command and it shows error C:UsersProjectsTIBreview-master>mvn package C:UsersProjectsTIBreview-master>dir

 Volume in drive C is Windows

 Volume Serial Number is 503A-ABD8 Directory of C:UsersProjectsTIBreview-master01/29/2020  11:14 AM    <DIR>          .

01/29/2020  11:14 AM    <DIR>          ..

01/29/2020  11:14 AM               244 .gitignore

01/29/2020  11:14 AM            35,141 LICENSE

01/29/2020  11:14 AM               331 log4j.properties

01/29/2020  11:14 AM             2,773 pom.xml

01/29/2020  11:14 AM             4,739 README.md

01/29/2020  11:14 AM    <DIR>          src

               5 File(s)         43,228 bytes

               3 Dir(s)  46,862,790,656 bytes freeC:UsersProjectsTIBreview-master>java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:"log4.properties" -jar C:UsersProjectsTIBreview-mastertargettibreview-0.0.4.jar -r tibrules.xml -c config.properties -i project -s C:UsersProjectsYasser -o pmd -t C:UsersProjects

Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M

Error: Could not find or load main class com.tibco.exchange.tibreview.Main

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  • 6 months later...

try using another Jar file and run.... u may get error with tibrules and config file path, so try giving relative file path...


java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:"log4j.properties" -jar target/tibreview-0.0.4-jar-with-dependencies.jar -r targettest-classestibrules.xml -c targettest-classesconfig.properties -i project -s <absolute/full path of your source/test project> -o csv -t <Output folder absolute/full path>

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