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Tibco Administrator: "Starting up" instances never come to a "Running" state


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An TIBCO Installation on aix 6.1 is completed with : TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks 5.13.0 ; TIBCO Administrator 5.10.0 ;TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.10.0 ; TIBCO Database Drivers 2.0.4 ; TIBCO EMS 8.3.0 ;TIBCO Hawk 5.2.0 ;TIBCO Rendezvous 8.4.4

I succeeded in installing an EAR application using: ./AppManage -deploy -ear /(...)/XXX.ear -deployConfig /(...)XXX.xml -appXXX -userXX -pwXX -domainDOMAINNAME -nostart

Then, from Tibco Administrator, I select the ear's instance and start it.

it is "starting up" but nevercomes to a "running" state. Moreover at the moment i try to start the ear's instance, a core file is created under bw directory.

Log file seems ok :

INFO : Connected to: tcp://:7227 ## Thu Sep 15 16:40:23 CEST 2016 ##

DEBUG : Creating listener for transport : TibrvJMSTransport[server=tcp://:7227] subject: $TMP$.EMS--ADMIN-7227.AF008657DAB2B61C.1 ## Thu Sep 15 16:40:23 CEST 2016 ##

DEBUG : Creating listener for transport : TibrvJMSTransport[server=tcp://:7227] subject: $TMP$.EMS--ADMIN-7227.AF008657DAB2B61C.2 ## Thu Sep 15 16:40:23 CEST 2016 ##

INFO : Connected to: tcp://parva2409735:7227 ## Thu Sep 15 16:40:23 CEST 2016 ##

INFO - Received Init Msg: AgentInitialMsg [Agent=:none::1473950379571:30]

Finished starting services

Finished successfully in 42 seconds

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Thanks for your answer:msghma.log:MsgHma 1.0 started with configuration file /apps/tibco/current/hawk/5.2/bin/msghma.xml

MsgHma is ready...HawAgent.cfg: nothing wrong here and "Hawk Agent started successfully!" on log and :"Connected to: tcp://XXX:7227 HawkAgent.XXX Info [Application] HWKXXX-000007 Got EMS transport with URL=tcp://XXX:7227"     


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  • 2 years later...


I have the same issue , any ideas

Error [] [TRA-002044] StartComponentInstance:run() failed: component instance: Process Archive. java.lang.Exception: component instance: Process Archive at com.tibco.tra.tsm.StartComponentInstance.run(StartComponentInstance.java:111)

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