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Tboco BW 6.5/ Postgres DB: The authentication type 10 is not supported.

haripon buapet 2

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Hi, I ' doing the below step



Tibco BW trial version (6.5) has already install



Downloadpostgresql-42.2.19 jar file to C:tibco_homebw6.5configdesignthirdparty



Prostgres DB ver 13.2 has already install



add 'host all all md5' =>file pg_hba.conf



change 'password_encryption = md5' =>file postpresql.conf



create new BW Application Module, create JDBC Resource

Database Driver: org.postgres.Driver

Darabase URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/bookstore

Test Connection Successfully



Run Debug Configuration



error => 'org.postgresql.util.PSQLException:

The authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have

configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address,

or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported

by the driver.'

Can anyone help me what should I do


Mr. N

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You should upgrade your postgresql JDBC Lib on BW6.

Below are steps how to install manually.



Update the jar to latest jar in 6.5systemlib



Backup com.tibco.bw.tpcl.jdbc.datasourcefactory.postgresql_9.4.0.001 folder from 6.5systemshared to tmp directory.



Copy the latest jar into the 6.5systemsharedcom.tibco.bw.tpcl.jdbc.datasourcefactory.postgresql_9.4.0.001lib and remove the old jar file



Modify the ClassPath in the MANIFEST.MF file under 6.5systemsharedcom.tibco.bw.tpcl.jdbc.datasourcefactory.postgresql_9.4.0.001META-INF.

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Service-Component: OSGI-INF/datasourcefactorycomponent.xml

Export-Package: com.tibco.bw.tpcl.jdbc.datasourcefactory.postgresql;ve


Bundle-Vendor: TIBCO Software Inc.

Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy

Bundle-ClassPath: .,lib/postgresql-42.2.18.jar

Bundle-Version: 42.2.18

Bundle-Name: TIBCO BW PostgreSQL Driver DataSource Factory

Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2

Import-Package: org.osgi.framework;version="[1.6.0,2.0.0)",org.osgi.se


Bundle-SymbolicName: com.tibco.bw.tpcl.jdbc.datasourcefactory.postgresql

Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8


I hope it will be helpful.

Best regards,

Seungjae Jeong

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