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SalesForce connector: NullReferenceException for the new boolean field

John Guy

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I have added a new boolean field (checkbox) to SalesForce object, and here is what I see when I try to set this field in "Create" block


Operation failed. Label: Create OpportunityLineItem, Name: OpportunityLineItemCreate, Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.: Error in calling Operation Create System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Scribe.Adapter.Salesforce.Operations.EntityConverter.ConvertToSalesforceFields(EntityProperties entityProperties, EntityDefinition entityDefinition, Boolean allowNulls, String[]& fieldsToNull) at Scribe.Adapter.Salesforce.Operations.EntityConverter.ToSalesforceObject(DataEntity dataEntity, EntityDefinition entityDefinition, Boolean allowNulls) at Scribe.Adapter.Salesforce.Operations.Operation.ConvertToSalesforceObject(InputItem inputItem, Boolean allowNulls) at Scribe.Connector.Common.Operation.ExecutionFlow.ProcessInputConversions[TIn](Func`2 inputConverter, IList`1 indexedInputItems, IList`1& indexedErrorResultItems)



I tried to set it expilcitly to "TRUE", "True", "FALSE", "False" or usingTOBOOLEAN function - the result is always the same

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the issue was caused by cloud agent out of sync. it did not have the correct metadata for the custom fields being added and it was not syncing properly.


workaround: create another cloud agent - looks like that triggers cached metadata re-sync

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