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Tibco BW 6.3.3 Component configuration error.

pavan kumar 4

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Hi guys.

i am getting following error

even when i am opened sample projects provided by tibco , i havent don any modifications



"Component configuration error."


Component configuration error. The process [tibco.bw.sample.core.soa.callprocessandinvoke.MakeNoise] configured for the component [ComponentProcess] can not be found in the application module [tibco.bw.sample.core.soa.CallProcessAndInvoke] . Reconfigure component if process exists. module.bwm /tibco.bw.sample.core.soa.CallProcessAndInvoke/META-INF Unknown EMF Validation Problems


i think there is some problem with Tibco configuration/install,

any suggestion, please..

i have attached the screen shot for the same.


TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks

Version: 6.3.3

Built on Eclipse Platform Version: 4.4.1

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