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Equivalent Configuration Files Designer / Studio designer.tra and bwengine.tra

André Santos

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Hi Tibco Community

I am trying to replicate that solution following that link:RabbitMQ : TIBCO BusinessWorks (Designer) integration/configuration | TIBCO Community, for BW6 Studio.

Can anyone tell me where can I configure that files for BW Studio

For the designer.tra - tibco.env.CUSTOM_CP_EXT

For the bwengine.tra - tibco.env.CUSTOM_EXT_APPEND_CP:

Best Regards

Andr Santos

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The equivalent of designer.tra isTIBCOBusinessStudio.ini studio4.0eclipse in folder


The equivalent of bwengine.tra is in multiple files :

. bwcommon.tra (configuration that applies to all BusinessWorks components on the BW server)

. bwappnode.tra (configuration that applies to all appnodes on the BW server)

. bwappnode-.train bw6.7domains\appspaces (applies to all appnodes of the appspace on the BW server)

. bwappnode-.trabw6.7domains\appnodes\bin (applies to a specific appnode instance)

The appnode level tra file includes that appspace file, that includes the bwappnode.tra file that includes the bwcommon.tra.


Usually you touch the appnode tra file and sometimes the bwappnode.tra file.

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