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while starting bwagent form below directory "tibco\bw6\bw\6.5\bin" using command prompt i am getting error.

jithesh pacha

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while starting bwagent form below directory "tibcobw6bw6.5bin" using command prompt i am getting below error. if its started i will be able to see in the TEA

I am working with BW6

Error description is


C:Program Filestibcobw6bw6.5bin>bwagent.exe

file C:Program Filestibcobw6bw6.5bin/.pid can not accessTIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks version 6.5.0, build V63, 2018-08-08

TIBCO-BW-AGENT-300001: BusinessWorks Agent is already running.

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