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Only performing update operation once key changes

Mark Proper 2

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This has been driving me nuts trying to figure this out. I have data that looks somewhat like this:


Company A

Company A

Company A

Company A

Company B

Company B

Company C


I am using SUMROWS to "total" how many are in each. However, as I step through the Data I end up with this:










I need to put the total (4, 2 and 1) into another field. But how do I stop it updating until I have that total (i.e. when the company is changing I don't want to perform 7 updates, I only want to perform 3. As it is I do an update for every source row I have. Yes I get the correct results at the end, but it's a lot of overhead.


I am using the Scribe adapter for Dynamics 365 so I am unable to query the database directly with SQL (I'd love to just do a simple SQL with a group by)

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