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How to create a table data view in TDV with data from different levels in a JSON data source/result set

Espen Haldorsen 3

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How do you writhe the FROM clause in a SQL statementwhen you need to pull out data from different levels in a JSON result set

I am able to write a working query to get information from one level, but have some issues with the FROM clause when i try to combine data from different levels in the JSON result set (different paths, see example of the FROM clauses below)


Level 1 FROM clause:





COLUMNS ( fornavn varchar(20) path '$.firstName',

etternavn varchar(20) path '$.lastName')) Navn,


Level 2 FROM clause:





COLUMNS ( tachoId varchar(100) path '$.driverIdentification',

tachoStatus varchar(1) path '$.cardIssuingMemberState')) Tachoid,


the two paths, or rowprowiders in comparison:




Example data with one structure and all the levels:

{"driverResponse":{"drivers":[{"firstName":"Anne", "lastName":Olsen", "contactInfo":{},




How can this be done

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I found a workaround by converting the JSON response to XML and use theany-any transformation in TDV studio.

In this transformation I am looping the XML file and are able to create a new flattende file structure.

By looping I am able to combinde the different levelse in the JSON result set on the same line in the flattened file as a result of the any-any tranformation.

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