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Document property containing comma-separated string values as filter to limit table visualization results

Tiffany Lai

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I have a document property as a string which can be either one value "$123" or multiple values separated by a comma ("123, 456, 789"). The document property is set by markings.I would like to pass this comma-separated string to a filter in order to limit the results in a table visualization. For example, if the document property is "123, 456", then I would like all rows which contain either "123" or "456" in a specified column to appear in the table visualization.

Can this be done using the limit data by expression option If I select only one value, this option works, but it will not display any rows if multiple values are selected (I'm guessing this is because the expression is looking for a row with the literal string value). This is why I thought an IronPython script triggered by changes in thedocument property would be a better option, but I'm open to suggestions. Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.

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You don't need Iron Python and yes limit data by expression would work.

So your use case is: the document property is a string containing:

- either a single value, with a $ in front

- or multiple values, comma separated


This expression would work for that:



Substitute() gets rid of the initial $ if present

Concatenate() on both probe and expression ensures you are not recognizing e.g. 1234 when your expression only contains 123.

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