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How to Change color of Calculated Value according to gauge chart

Rakshit Kandpal

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Hi All,

I have built a gauge chart with range 0-100. Now I have a calculated value in the same text area. I am able to get fixed colors from the rule option under values but I want that calculated value should also change its color.

For Eg

There are 3 condition in gauge chart

1:- Less then 50 (of some condition) shows red color

2:- Greater than 50 less than 75shows yellow

3:- Greater than 75 shows green

Now I want the calculated value should also change its color accordingly

If color in gauge chart is red then Calculated Value should also be in red color, if gauge chart shows yellow calculated value should also be in yellow and if gauge chart shows green then calculated value should also show green.

Any help would be appreciated


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