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EBX: publish on JMS Broker data changes

Thomas Manson 5

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Hi EBX Experts,

Is it possible to connect EBX to a JMS broker so that EBX would publish data change (delta or full record) to sync mulitple applications that need near real time up to date data from MDM

If it's not possible, what's the classical workaround to achieve this



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So what you could do is create a microservice and then use this microservice in two ways.

1. If in workflow context, Call this service after merge operation using a script task. You can easily get the pks of the records that were created/modified by storing them in a data context variable.

2. If direct record alterations, Call this in handleAfterCreate/handleAfterModify trigger methods.


This microservice work would be to :

First, Call ebx rest api to get the data based on the record variable that was set in Data Context.

Second, Publish the data to jms broker.

Hope this helps!


Sanchit Sood

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