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HTTP error when using keystore and crt file in http SSL authentication

batia sher

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hi, i need to send http request to one destination .

i'v received from the users a signed cert file .

i've created a keystore and imported the cert file into the keystore .



also createdIdentity ( jks file type ) palete which refers to theKeyStoreFIle that icreated .

while runnig the http process i'm reciveing the follwing error :

The Http Server replied with a 4XX status code







in order to make sure that the original cert file is valid i run it with curl command and its ok , im getting the connection :

**> its works o.k.

does somebody know what can be wrong

any help or ides will be appreciated


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In BW6.X the keystore file should contain all the certificates from the certificate chain, that could explain problems to connect to the server.

That said from the message 401 not authorized I have the impression the problem is not at SSL level but at an higher level. Does your server expect requests to come with some kind of authentication mechanism (like basic authentication for example)

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