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Index loop on a JavaObject

João Dessain Saraiva

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Hey team,

I have this BW 6 process where I am looping a Java Object, it's a set of messages from a RabbitMQ server.

However I am not finding a solution to keep track of the loops inside the Group, I already tried:

- Shared variables

- Session variables

- Different loop types

However the index staysstatic...

I believe there should be a straight solution to fix this issue, can you help me out

Best regards,

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If you use group types like "while", "for-each", "repeat" - these will have a variable called index in its configurations.

The index will +1 by default at every executuion. You can mention the looping condition with respect to this index variable.

For Ex. While Index < COUNT_OF_RECORDS

Additionally, this index variable will now be avalable to you to reference when configuring other downstream activities or acitivities within the loop.

Refer the attached image.



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