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change format date

SAMUT Fabrice

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Hi there,

I've a got column named Month in this format : "september-2020" and I want to switch it it like this : "2020-M09"

Could you please tell me how to do that,please


Also, is it possible to switchthe column Month in a week column with this format : W1020 for week 10 of the year 2020


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since this a specific non-standard date format you can achieve the desired output by using a combination of certain functions.

1. First you will need to convert you date to dateTime format.

2. Then to get specific part of the date out you can use dateTime functions.

Ex. week([DateTime]) - returns the week number.

3. Lastly using string functions to get your desired format.

'W10' - > concat('W', string(week([DateTime]))

Hope this helps!

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