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Failed to stop SharedResource

KUMARDATTA kothamasu

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I am new to BW6,

I am trying to connect EMSand I have also tried to receive a message from ems.

to receive the message I have created one process with JMS receiver starter activity and one log adapter to get the info,

I have created the process and created one schema and referred in the jms output editor and mapped it to the log. while debugging I am getting the below error,

@BWEclipseAppNode> 16:43:38.047 INFO [main] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - Started by BusinessStudio.

16:43:39.915 INFO [main] - TIBCO-BW-FRWK-300002: BW Engine [Main] started successfully.

16:43:39.942 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 40f8c34c-8309-001c-1a77-b934ad340c92] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Deployer - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300001: Started OSGi Framework of AppNode [bWEclipseAppNode] in AppSpace [bWEclipseAppSpace] of Domain [bWEclipseDomain]

16:43:40.062 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 40f8c34c-8309-001c-1a77-b934ad340c92] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300018: Deploying BW Application [sample_jms_reciever.application:1.0].

16:43:40.143 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 40f8c34c-8309-001c-1a77-b934ad340c92] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-300021: All Application dependencies are resolved for Application [sample_jms_reciever.application:1.0]

16:43:40.153 INFO [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 40f8c34c-8309-001c-1a77-b934ad340c92] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - Started by BusinessStudio, ignoring .enabled settings.

16:43:41.587 ERROR [pool-7-thread-1] - The following error has occurred for "name: sample_jms_reciever version: 1.0.0.qualifier bundle name: sample_jms_reciever " which needs to be resolved.

16:43:41.588 ERROR [pool-7-thread-1] - TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600053: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentProcess]. TIBCO-BW-CORE-500232: Failed to initialize BW Component [ComponentProcess], Application [sample_jms_reciever.application:1.0] due to activity initialization error. TIBCO-BW-CORE-500408: Failed to initialize the ProcessStarter activity [JMSReceiveMessage] in process [sample_jms_reciever.Process], module [sample_jms_reciever] due to unexpected activity lifecycle error.



16:43:41.972 ERROR [pool-7-thread-1] - TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK-502000: Failed to stop SharedResource [sample_jms_reciever.JMSConnectionResource] for Module [sample_jms_reciever:1.0.0.qualifier], DeploymentUnit [sample_jms_reciever.application:1.0].



but when I was trying to connect the JMS from JMS connection resources I am able to connect but when I was debugging I am getting the error.

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The real error you are facing is :

The following error has occurred for "name: sample_jms_reciever version: 1.0.0.qualifier bundle name: sample_jms_reciever " which needs to be resolved.


This is generally related to problems connecting to the EMS server (wrong URL, user or password, network connectivity issues or problems in connection factories definition).

Also did you installed the EMS client library in the BW environment (using bwinstall ems-driver)

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