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Hi, all


Maybe my question sounds silly or something very simple but the truth is that I do not know how to solve it.


I have the following scenario, I deploy an application in Tibco BW v5.X that lives in a virtual machine on the Red Hat v6.5 operating system.


When I deploy my .ear file on the Tibco BW server, in the directory for example / home / admTibco / apps my original file is no longer an .ear but a directory with several folders and subdirectories.


What I want to do is again make a copy of my deployment file in the original .ear file format, but I don't have any .ear files in my deployment directory.


What do I do so that my implementation file is returned to the original .ear file and not a folder with other folders, what I intend to do is recover my original .ear file so that I can implement it again without any problem.


Because if I backup the directory or the folder that is generated at the time of deploying my file on the Tibco BW server, the directory is not suitable for doing "Rollback" in a real scenario.

I hope you understand what I want to do, any questions or comments I am here to help you.


A possible answer to your question would be to recommend you to manage EARs into some kind of repository solution. In that repository EARs would be versioned and it would be possible for you to roll-back to a previous version easily.


Another answer would be use the AppManage tool from TRA bin folder that allows you to export a deployedapplication configuration and its EAR.


The syntax would be the following :

AppManage -export -out c:testmyApp.xml -genEar -ear c:testmyApp.ear -app folder1/folder2/myApp -user user1 -pw user1 -domain test

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