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Date/Time Fail

Kimberly Wargo

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Hi all, I have a Integration Flow that is failing in multipe date fields.

My formula reads like this:


It is a Date/Time to Date field.

Here is my error:

Operation failed. Label: Upsert EAST_FinancialAccount__c, Name: EAST_FinancialAccount__cUpsert, Message: Exception Type : FormatException Message : Input string was not in a correct format. StackTrace : at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) at Scribe.Process.ProcessImportedFinancialAccountImportNew.Execute(Dictionary`2 settings, IEnumerable`1 dataEntityInput) :Error in mapping 'EAST_FinancialAccount__c.DateOpened__c ' for Operation 'Upsert'"


Any suggestions are appreciated.



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When using TCI Connect/Scribe integration Flows:

You can validate your input data field in two ways to check for nulls/empty fields to avoid your formulas to fails.

1) By using an IF ELSE block and check for empty fields or other evaluatuon criteria to make sure your field has expected data to avoid errors in your formulas.

i.e. only when your evaluation equals boolean true or false, then add your operation block (CREATE or UPDATE BLOCKS) to the IF or the ELSE part of the condition.


2) You can also Add IFconditions in your formulas as well, have a look at the built in excel like functions/formulas with the related inline documentation with examples.

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