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Sybase Connectivity issue from BW6.3.3

Soumitra Bishnu 2

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While trying start the BW6 process which has JDBC query(Sybase), i'm getting follwoing error:-

04:05:51.338 ERROR [CM Configuration Updater (Update: pid=bw.resource.jdbc.1a5b6cfe-ad1e-40c6-a2b6-8b7d26b8905e)] c.t.b.s.r.c.SharedResourceModulePropertyTracker - TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK-502000: Failed to create SharedResource [corpdocumentsvc.SybaseJDBCConnectionResource] for Module [CorpDocumentSvc:1.0.0.qualifier], DeploymentUnit [CorpDocumentSvc.application:1.0].

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.


java.lang.NumberFormatException: null


04:05:52.480 ERROR [Job_Executor0] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - TIBCO-THOR-FRWK-600026: Failed to start BW Application [CorpDocumentSvc.application:1.0]. Reason: TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600063: Failed to start BW Process [corpdocumentsvc.SybaseConnTest] of BW Module [CorpDocumentSvc].

java.lang.RuntimeException: TIBCO-BW-FRWK-600064: Failed to create Shared Resource [corpdocumentsvc.SybaseJDBCConnectionResource]. For the cause look for log message with prefix "TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK" in this log file.


But i'm able to test JDBC connetion successfully. I've also added the plug-in project in the run time configuration of the Starter process.

Could anyone please let me know how to resolve this


Thanks in advance,

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  • 2 months later...



May I know which driver you are using to connect to SYSBASE DB, currently we do not support SYSBASE DB with Native or DD Driver in 6.x, if you still want to use this you have to use Custom Driver feature for this.

You can find more details in Pallete refrence guide under JDBC Connection.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi, the problem is that the sybase driver retrive the information fromDataSourceFactory.JDBC_URL,

you have to setds.setServerName,ds.setPortNumber andds.setDatabaseName from the url with substrings.


String url = (String) props.remove(DataSourceFactory.JDBC_URL);

int indexdbase= url.indexOf("jdbc:sybase:Tds:")+16;






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