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Scribe Workbench : Failed to initialize the internal database: Error retrieving the product id from the db

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hi, I ran the InternalDB.exe and get "The Scribe Internal database was validated", "The Scribe Internal database indexes were validated" and "Connection test complete!" but it still does not work, same error. Any help is very much appreciated.

Many thanks, Peter

  • 2 years later...

This happened to me after a network issue caused the SQL server to stop. Restarting the service (which is named "SQLServer (SCRIBE)" in my installation) let the app launch. If you aren't sure how to restart a service, restarting the machine would do it (the service would start automatically).

A couple months later, I got a similar error, but in this case we had recently updated everything to TLS 1.2. When I opened up InternalDB.exe, I saw under "Data Source" that ScribeInternal_MS was selected, but right below it was ScribeInternal_MS_TLS12. Selected that, and everything worked again.

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