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EBX 6 Migration Issue


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I'm facing some issues trying to migrate my local environementfrom EBX 5.9 to EBX 6.0

The migration Process works without error and i can access to my EBX 6 Instance.

However i have an EBX internal error when i try to access to the dataspace menu. I can still consult my dataspaces if I request their exact URL but i cannot consult the list of dataspaces. Additionnaly the 5.9 Reference dataspace is still available

There is no explicit error in the kernel.log. Here is all i have:2021-10-18 18:06:14,436 CEST ERROR log.clientSide 1155 [http-nio-8086-exec-9] 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 2021-10-18_18:06:14,432 *admin Unhandled promise rejection. Error: [object PromiseRejectionEvent]

And the error in catalina.log :0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 - - [18/Oct/2021:18:08:11 +0200] "GET /ebx-dataservices/rest/hierarchy/v1/Bebx-dataSpaces/ebx-dataSpaces/Vpns/@dataSpaces-by-parent/membersincludeIsLeaf=true&includeDetailedInfo=true&search=homeKey%3D%27BReference%27&searchlevel=target&maxSize=1 HTTP/1.1" 404 604


Thank youfor your help !


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