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TIBEMS_ROOT variable is not set or does not correctly specify

Michel Mihalka

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I've just indtalled GEMS 5.2 and used the default settings. Error after starting: "TIBEMS_ROOT variable is not set or does not correctly specify"

See below the output of the script.

I guess, the issue is withC:swGems>if NOT EXIST C:swGemslibtibjms.jar goto badenv. There is no such jar file.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Warm regards,




C:swGems>rem ## Set classpath to client libs (EMS client and JFreeChart jars required)

C:swGems>rem ##

C:swGems>echo TIBEMS_ROOT=C:swGems


C:swGems>IF EXIST C:swGemsclientsjava set TIBEMS_JAVA=C:swGemsclientsjava

C:swGems>IF EXIST C:swGemslib set TIBEMS_JAVA=C:swGemslib

C:swGems>if NOT EXIST C:swGemslibtibjms.jar goto badenv

C:swGems>echo .


C:swGems>echo Error: TIBEMS_ROOT variable is not set or does not correctly specify

Error: TIBEMS_ROOT variable is not set or does not correctly specify

C:swGems>echo the root directory of the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service software.

the root directory of the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service software.

C:swGems>echo Please correct the TIBEMS_ROOT variable at the beginning of this script.

Please correct the TIBEMS_ROOT variable at the beginning of this script.

C:swGems>echo .



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