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Hierarchy Filter in Calculated Column

April Steele

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I have a Hierarchy for date (Year, Quarter, and Month) in a text box filter so viewers can select certain months they want to see. Is there a way to use this filter in a calculated column


Date Column - Procedure Date

Hierarchy Calculated Column - Date Hierarchy

Column 1 - Is my Numerator column

Column 2 Is my Denominator column

What I want is to create a new calculated column:

Sum(column 1)/sum(Column 2) based on what Date Hierarchy (months/year/quarters) are selected in the text box filter

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Could you work with a drop down (document property) that holds year/quarter/month (=0,1,2 in the hierarchy)


If yes, then you could use this document property in your calculated column and in your hierarchy.


If you could post some dummy data set here it would be helpful to understand your situation.

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