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Unable to run domainutility in Linux

Manoj Chaurasia

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I am setting up one tibco environment in Linux machine. I have installed tra,bw,rv,hawk,jre,tpcl and admin. Now I need to create the domain.

I have gone to /tibco/tra/5.5/bin folder and ran ./domainutility. But I am getting the following error.


-bash-3.2$ ./domainutilityException in thread "main" java.awt.HeadlessException:No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it. at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless(GraphicsEnvironment.java:159) at java.awt.Window.(Window.java:317) at java.awt.Frame.(Frame.java:419) at java.awt.Frame.(Frame.java:384) at javax.swing.JFrame.(JFrame.java:150) at com.tibco.administrator.wizard.WizardDialog.(WizardDialog.java:52) at com.tibco.administrator.du.DomainUtility.(DomainUtility.java:100) at com.tibco.administrator.du.DomainUtility.a(DomainUtility.java:472) at com.tibco.administrator.du.DomainUtility.main(DomainUtility.java:438)-bash-3.2$ pwd/internet/apps/tibco/tra/5.5/bin

Please note that I don't have Citrix XWindows.

Can you please help me how to run this domainutility from Linux




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Hi Sripad,

Thanks for the info. I am now able to create the domain. My Tibco admin is up now and I have deployed one process there. But the problem is that the process is not getting started. When I am trying to start the process, It it is trying for some time and then showing as Stopped. Any clue on that




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  • 6 years later...

The DISPLAY variable must be set to the IP address or name of the computer (on which the installer graphics window are to be displayed), followed by a screen address, which can be :0.0 . For example:




DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY




export DISPLAY=:0.0




setenv DISPLAY :0.0


This is specified in all product's Installation FAQs and Troubleshooting document.


else u can also use commandlineutility domainutilitycmd which you can find under tra5.6bin.

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