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Mashery Local tethered synchronization with Mashery Cloud

Stephen Denham

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WhenMashery Local tethered synchronizeswith the Mashery Cloud, it retrieves the delta from the last sync.Restarting the jetty service forces a complete re-sync.


1. If the synchronization fails, then the existing configuration is still used my Mashery Local and API requests continue to be served.

2. Mashery Local alsosynchronizes traffic logs withMashery Cloud.

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This mode of configuration in Mashery Local 5.2 fetches the certificates and identities, as well as mutual authentication profiles from the MOM.

Follow these steps to use tethered mode:

-Create an identity.

-Create a certificate.

-Up-sync with MOM to upload the identity and certificate.

-The HTTPS Client Profile can now be associated with the identity and/or certificate.

Note: Creating an HTTPS Client Profile in tethered mode in Mashery ----Local 5.x is the same as in Mashery Local 4.x. See Configuring and Using the HTTPS Client Feature with Mutual Authentication

The next cloud sync with Mashery Local through the MOM will down-sync the HTTPS Client Profile to Mashery Local 5.2

The Identity and/or Certificate data can be accessed and word unscrambler modified using the Cluster Manager CLI commands.

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