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Tibco BW6, how to use JMSApplicationProperties as a customize jms header value

Kamilia Jaber

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Hello everyone, I'm new to Tibco BW6 technology, and I need help with my issue, please.

I have some customize headers Message in my EMS Queue messages. so I'm using JMSReceiverMes as a starter process andI want to log my customizeheader value, so I have connected the activity with the log activity.

and I have created aJMSApplicationProperties to define my customize header "entityType" as a string type. but I still have no idea how to connect these two activities together.

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And to create a custom JMS Property schema do the following :

. Select the 'Schema' folder

. Right click and select 'JMS Applications Properties'

. Then edit the created XML schema like below :












Note also that as per the JMS Specification, jms application properties must be any of the following Java types: Boolean, byte, short, char, long, int, float, double, string, or byte[].

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