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Using "SetEPR" to invoking services dynamically Error "No matching services registered"

Kamilia Jaber

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I'm trying to run Tibco bw6 sample "tibco.bw.sample.core.dynamic.processInvocation.ServiceConsumer" and "/tibco.bw.sample.core.dynamic.processInvocation.ServiceProvider" that is related to call service dynamically using "SetEPR" activity.

Running this application produces this error while trying to invoke the related activity :

TIBCO-BW-CORE-500052: Invoke activity [invoke] fault.

com.tibco.bx.core.faults.BxException: BX-600006: Invoke activity, [invoke] was unable to send a message using partner link [Hello_PortType], operation [sayHello]. Cause: BX-905007: Dynamic service [bw:///tibco.bw.sample.core.dynamic.processInvocation.ServiceProvider.application_1.0/Hello_PortType] not found, cause [No matching services registered]

com.tibco.bx.core.faults.BxException: BX-905007: Dynamic service [bw:///tibco.bw.sample.core.dynamic.processInvocation.ServiceProvider.application_1.0/Hello_PortType] not found, cause [No matching services registered]


Thanks a lot,

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Hi kamilia_j!


This error occurs because the application tibco.bw.sample.core.dynamic.processInvocation.ServiceProvider is not running.

In the Studio for Designer menu click over "Run" > "Debug Configurations...".




Select all processes and applications.



Click over "Apply" and after "Debug".



Please, let me know if it ran successfully!


I hope this helps.

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