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TIBCO BusinessWorks ADB plugin - Pool event info from child table

Sorin Popa

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Using TIBCO BusinessWorks ADB plugin I try to pool an event from 2 tables but only information from parent table are retrieved.


I made a dummy application which read info from two tables:

PAY (parent table) and PAY_CHILD (child table). Storage mode is publish by reference , Referred Object is "PAY" and Publish Child Data is true.


When an event occur, only info from parent table is retrieved. I've expected that info from both table to be retrieved hence I'm using Publish Child Data = true.





2021-12-06 14:01:16.0




2021-12-06 14:01:16.087930 +02:00





How can Pooler retrieve data from two tables


TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for Database 8.4.0

Database is Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition

JDBCDriver is Tibco Oracle JDBC Driver (tibcosoftwareinc.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver) version

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