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Running Ldapconf utility tells me Application already in use not able to go to ldap menu

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hi All,

When I run ldapconf command from swdir/util directory .The console tells me the aplication is already in use .My main aim si to verify the connections to all ldap directories and i can test it , but the menu itsekf does not launches .


D:swserverstaffw_nod1util>ldapconf.exeApplication is already in use





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In order to stop multiple users attempting to alter the LDAP configuration at the same time a lock file called 'swldaplck' is used in the $SWDIR/tsys folder.


Does this file already exist If the file already exists, check the permissions on it. You could also use a tool called process explorer, available from Microsoft at, to see if any processes have the file already open.


Also, the problem maybe that the user you are logged into the OS as doesn't have permission to write to the tsys folder. Do a quick check by using notepad to save a new file to this location.



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