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TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500417 - Not Found (404)

Toni Serbanescu

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I have seen multiple threads regarding the below error but 0 solutions. We are encountering it on the whole environment. We've tried to restart the appspace, EMS, TEA, appnodes multiple times but nothing worked.

{"@timestamp":"2022-01-06T07:03:13.016Z","loglevel":"INFO","logger":"bw.audit","message":"application operation [create] with arguments { profileName=null appSpaceName=TOM1-AS profileFile=/tmp/deploy.tea3836464690804159779/default.substvar-1.2 domainName=OrchestrationDomain replace=true description= earFileName=deal-classifier_1.2.3.ear user=admin autoStart=true earFilePath= } failed with [WARNING: exception with message ***Error starting application [deal-classifier:1.2]*** has not been localized: TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500417: Error encountered starting application on AppNode [TOM1-AS-N3]: Not Found (404)WARNING: exception with message ***Error starting application [deal-classifier:1.2]*** has not been localized: TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500417: Error encountered starting application on AppNode [TOM1-AS-N4]: Not Found (404)WARNING: exception with message ***Error starting application [deal-classifier:1.2]*** has not been localized: TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500417: Error encountered starting application on AppNode [TOM1-AS-N2]: Not Found (404)WARNING: exception with message ***Error starting application [deal-classifier:1.2]*** has not been localized: TIBCO-BW-ADMIN-500417: Error encountered starting application on AppNode [TOM1-AS-N1]: Not Found (404)]","operationID":"b366b414-2d41-4196-b066-a9fbe97c0166","correlationId":"5056ad5651-17e253fe280-6619"}


We have TIBCO 6.7. Can someone suggest a solution to this issue


Thank you very much!

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I would recommend to delete the content of the config directory of the appnode (TOM1-AS-N1) while this is a possible explanation to the issue.


This can be automated using the following property in the config.ini file of the appnode :


If this doesn't solve the issue you would need to check the appnode log file to understand what is going on at this level.

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