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How do I calculate average of Days to File Expense filtered by Timeliness

Lynn Lee

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I have two columns - Days to File Expense with numbers from 0-169 and Timeliness with String values "Late" and "On Time".

I want to calculate the average of days to file expense filtered by Timeliness in percent unit.

I have tried calculating the average likes this in the expression shown in the picture but I did not get the correct output:

1. Sum of days of file expense which are late

2. divide the sum of days of file expense which consists of late and on time

3. muliply by 100

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If you want to calculate the average of days to file expense depending on timeliness, as a percent of the total days to file expense, you could try this:

Sum([Days to File Expense]) over ([Timeliness]) / Sum([Days to File Expense]) * 100

This would give you a column with two values, one for Late and one for On Time.

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