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Dynamics 365 CRM: while creating parent child records how to delete parent if any of the child creation fails. Any transaction rollback or try catch etc

Javed Iqbal 3

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For parent child records creation parent must be created before the child. After the creation of parent we create child records and if any og the child record creation fails we want to delete all created child records and parent. How it can be achieved using Tibco cloud integration for Dynamics 365 CRM connector etc. Is there a transaction processiong mechanism with rollback feature or try catch to manually implement transaction rollback Any advice/suggestion would be appriciated :)

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If this is with BusinessWorks (Integrate) capability of TIBCO Cloud Integration:

After the creation of the parent and/or the child records, one of the Output fields will be the entity ID. You can use the Delete Entity activity (either through Rest or regular palette) and map the records created in the previous activity to it. This will help you delete and roll back any records you created.

You can even define an error handling block as part of your process and add the Delete activity there. It can be defined to run when creation fails (after Create Entity)

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