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Access limitation for web users

Amadou SY

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Hi everyone,

I have several web users and some of them may not have the rights to access to some analysis. The problem is that I'm using a graphical user interface where I gather all my analysis to make the access easier. And I don't find a way to say that this user is not allowed to acces to this analysis. I wanted to know if there is a way to limit the access of some user to some analysis.


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If you want to restrict the users from accessing any specific Spotfire dashboards, first of all they need to be authenticated to the Spotfire server and have the correct Library Folder Permissions to do so. So the best is you can add such users to a group and do not provide Browse + Accessto this group on the concerned folder. Let me know if this helps you or if you are looking for something else.



Permissions are always set on folders, never on items.


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