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How to set certificate CRL check when BW acts as a server and not check when acts as a client

Justin Jeyakumar 2

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We have teh following flow:

External client with digicert --> BW --> Aws load balancer with ACM private CA cert

BW acts as a server to "External client" and acts as a client to AWS load balancer.

ACM cert's CRL distribution endpoint is removed as per requirement.

BW should validate CRL for External client's certificate. But BW should bypass CRL check on ACM cert since it doesn't have CRL distribution endpoint.

We have the following settings:





It fails with "final verification failed: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Could not determine revocation status"

How to configure BW so that it will check CRL on External client cert' but not on ACM cert.

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