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Is it reccomended to use multiple JMS receivers in one single Application/EAR

Monalisa Mahato

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I have a scenario of two layers architecture. My Consumer layer is one Application and Provider layer is another Application.

I have the orchestration in Consumer layer, which requires multiple branches(30+) for diffrent values of input parameter reason and later different mappers as per different reason. After gathering the desired xml it is sent to Provider layer by one generic JMS Request Reply activity.

There is one generic JMS receiver process in Provider layer to handle all call. My queries here are below:

1. Is it suggested if I create 30+ JMS receivers based oninput reason in the Consumer layer and process them to Provider layer after desired mappings[this is the current implementation with 3 reasons but going forwards it will be 30+ reasons]

2. Is it suggested if I create 30+ subProcesses based oninput reason in the Consumer layer and call themstatic

3. Is it suggested if I create 30+ subProcesses based oninput reason in the Consumer layer and call via Process Dynamic override

Please suggest any effective way to achive the solution to have good performance impact.

TIBCO version: 6.7.0

EMS version: 8.6



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Hi, BusinessWorks is multi-threaded so if you have a single JMS process starter and multiple messages coming at the same time Businessworks will create one process instance per message and process the messages in parallel (limited by the number of available cores, the Thread count parameter and the JVM behaviour).

Using dynamic process calls doesn't have a negative impact on performances, so I will go for scenario 3.

You can refer to the following blog article (check the JMS section) :


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