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415 Error while invoking createcase API

subbanna girish

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I am invoking the createcase API using REST Plugin from BW and in the response 415 message code. But in BPM logs i see the below error

20 Apr 2016 03:18:21,051 [httpConnector_30] [WARN ] org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils - No operation matching request path "/bpm/rest//globaldata/model/com.example.firstproject.Profile/1/create" is found, Relative Path: /model/com.example.firstproject.Profile/1/create, HTTP Method: POST, ContentType: text/plain, Accept: application/json,. Please enable FINE/TRACE log level for more details.

Please advise the resolution steps


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Hi Balakrishnan,


I have deployed the process with the name RecieveRequest which as startevent set to Message.when i try to invoke thru REST API i see the below error.Please advise


Error locating the pageflow with name [RecieveRequest][com.tibco.n2.pfe.internal.exception.PageFlowExecutionException: Error locating the pageflow with name [RecieveRequest]]`, componentClassName=`com.tibco.n2.busserv.services.impl.BusinessServiceImpl`, requestReceived=`2017-04-22T17:56:38.487Z`, hostAddress=``, nodeName=`BPMNode`, eventType=`FAULT`, messageCategory=`PAGE_FLOW`, componentId=`PFE`, stackTrace=`com.tibco.n2.busserv.services.InternalServiceFault: com.tibco.n2.pfe.internal.exception.PageFlowExecutionException: Error locating the pageflow with name [RecieveRequest][com.tibco.n2.pfe.internal.exception.PageFlowExecutionException: Error locating the pageflow with name [RecieveRequest]]

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