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TDV and SOAP data source - get an error message: no protocol

Espen Haldorsen 3

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I have created a SOAP data soruce in TDV and used a WSDL file from the API provider and stored this localy.


I manage to introspect the data soruce and the different services.

When i try to execute one of the services (login) I get the following error:

Execution of SOAP operation "login" failed. [data-2915055]

Cause: no protocol: ///C:/Kundefiler/RST/RST_Fleetboard/BasicService.wsdl [Log ID: 760eaff5-90bc-4ea4-bc22-0d2f2ba16972]

If I try to crate a WSDL data soruce with the same WSDL file...

I hav also used the same WSDL to create an similar WSDL data source in TDV. In this data soruce I manage to execute a login scucessfully, both from the data soruce and from a view which contain this service.

The other services contain information when I open them like in the picture # 1 attached.

But when i try to execute there is not created any conntent in the request like the picture # 2 attached

Any advise is much appreciated...

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