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What is the maximum password length allowed by the Tibco 64 bit Windows ODBC driver

Manoj Chaurasia

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I am unable to connect using the ODBC driver. I get the following error when connecting with an account where the password length is 25 (excessive but corporate policy for service accounts):

Connecting using ROBCC package from R

ERROR: state 28000, code 1000, message security decryption error [security-1900190]

Cause: Given final block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption. [Log ID: bbf12e56-4bfe-4411-82bf-33dde853797b]

I get this error when clicking Test from the ODBC Driver Configuration dialog:

security decryption error [security-1900190]

Cause: Given fina block not properly padded. Such issues can arise if a bad key is used during decryption.

I can connect using my personal account which has a password length of 11

thanks for any insight you can provide

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