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TZCONVERTOR using a column value

Manoj Chaurasia

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Does anyone know how I can get this function to work reference a column value not a hard coded string I can't get to work without returning an error.

Select TZCONVERTOR (TIMESTAMP '2011-3-1 00:00:00', 'US/Pacific', 'UTC') this works

SELECT TZCONVERTOR(TIMESTAMP Cast(t.startTimestamp AS TimeStamp), 'US/Eastern', 'UTC') this won't

FROM Table1 t

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Hi Stacey,

This works for me. Orderdate is a date column in my 'Orders' view.

If t.startTimestamp is already a timestamp I believe you don't need to put TIMESTAMP in front of it nor cast the column.

SELECT TZCONVERTOR(cast(t.orderdate as timestamp), 'US/Pacific', 'UTC') tz

FROM /shared/DEMO/OverrideDataTypes/PostgresDB/tutorial/orders t

Hope this helps.

Alain Martens

TIBCO Solutions Engineer - The Netherlands

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