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How different is a HRB Creation for BW 6.3 application deployed in TEA for Engine Monitoring when its compared to BW 5.13 application deployed in Classic Admin

Rajesh Ammineni

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We are currently working on BW 6.3, where the applications are deployed in TIBCO ENTERPRISE ADMINISTRATOR(TEA). Hawk version is 5.2.

I have wrote a sample hrb that is used to monitor the BW Engine and to trigger an email when the application is not in 'RUNNING' state.

Below is the sample script. I am not sure about the naming convention that is being used here as in BW6 its all about APPNODES and APPSPACES when copared to BW 5 where it is application name (Deployment) and instance(Component Instance) name.








Sample Engine Test at 08:21 Fri, May 17, 2017

Sample Engine Test at 08:21 Fri, May 17, 2017



























DMW-BILLING is not running and please re-start.Thanks,TM TeamNote: This is an autogenerated mail and please do not reply to this mail., From=noreply@gmail.Com, Mail Server=xx.xx.xx Subject=Alert! DMW-BILLING is not running., To=abc@gmail.com)]]>




















abc@gmail.com, Content=Hi Team,DMW-BILLING is not running and please re-start.Thanks,TM TeamNote: This is an autogenerated mail and please do not reply to this mail., From=noreply@gmail.Com, Mail Server=xx.xx.xx.xx Subject=Alert! DMW-BILLING is not running., To=abc@gmail.com)]]>
















----------Script end---------------

I have placed this script at hawk location /home/tibcoadm/dev/tibco/cfgmgmt/hawk/autoconfig/DMW-BILLING.hrb

I stopped the service and started it. I couldnt able to see any notification mail that got triggered to me.

Can someone help over it and tell me where I am missing.


Rajesh Ammineni

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  • 2 years later...


There's a big change in BW6 regarding the monitoring. It's totally different from BW5. No TRA mircoagent in BW6. Therefor, copied hrb from BW5 wont work in BW6.

Please follow the documentaion to enable the bw appnode mircoagent for the monitoring in BW6.3:


Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any further questions on this.



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