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TIBCO BW 5.X Maven Dependency - Dependency type xsd

Wikus Smit 2

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I have been working on a business works plugin that aides in our Continuous Delivery process.

I have converted Legacy BW projects to a maven structure and i can build the project successfully with dependencies stored on Nexus.

I have decided to use nexus as a service repository, but i will only be storing xsds, and wsdls on nexus for ease of access and strict version control so that everyone consuming one of my services will have the latest service contracts.

Only Projlib projects gets deployed to Nexus to be used as dependencies. services only gets built using "mvn clean install".

For a service that has a xsd/wsdl i will execute the command to use locally, i will deploy this to nexus as well.

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=Test-1.0.0.xsd -DgroupId=za.co.test -DartifactId=Test-Dversion=1.0.0 -Dtype=xsd -Dpackaging=xsd

The next step is to include this into my project pom like this:







This adds it to the project perfectly no errors when i execute "mvn clean install" however i have a bw-plugin that resolves dependencies when i open Designer (using custom batch to call java process then open designer from TIBCO_HOME) this XSD is not available.


I resolve projlib dependencies by adding them programatically as alias then to file preferences. How can i achieve the same with xsd as dependencies

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